The RAPwrangler was designed to be powerful, efficient and easy to maintain. It can be used to render football sized chunks down to suitable gradations. The RAPwrangler eliminates the off-site pre-crushing of asphalt materials to be recycled. For more information, call BLS at 833-236-5225
The 20″ rotor is equipped with 312 replaceable tungsten-tipped milling teeth that shred football size chunks of asphalt down to 1″ at a rate of 250 tons per hour. The rotor spins at 127 RPM. constantly undermining the material in the 30″ x 40″ hopper directly above it.
It is designed to size material in congealed and oversized milling stockpiled at a rate of 20-250 TPH. It processes up to football-sized pieces at a rate of 125TPH to 150TPH. It may be set up with any size milling teeth. Your cost of processing RAP is as low as $0.45 per ton.
RAPwrangler With Teeth
Bottom View (Discharge)
50HP Shive Drive RAPwrangler
50HP RAPwrangler
50HP RAPwrangler Belt Drive
RAPwrangler in Action
The RAPwrangler is mounted on a steel frame base. A portable feeder conveyor is on the left and a final conveyor is underneath feeding up to the drum plant. Engineers are standing by to assist you today.